17 April 2018
Resumé of candidates for BOD and AC members
Dear valued Shareholders,
Pursuant to resignation letter of Mr. Nguyen Khac Hung - BOD's member and resignation letter of Mr. Kim Kyoung Rok - AC's member, BOD would like to inform you the information of 02 candidates for the replaced BOD and AC members.
- Candidate for BOD's member: Mr. Le Kha Tuyen
- Candidate for AC's member: Mr. Ko Tae Yeon
Everpia would like to inform you the Resumé of the 02 candidates (file download).
Yours sincerely!Pursuant to resignation letter of Mr. Nguyen Khac Hung - BOD's member and resignation letter of Mr. Kim Kyoung Rok - AC's member, BOD would like to inform you the information of 02 candidates for the replaced BOD and AC members.
- Candidate for BOD's member: Mr. Le Kha Tuyen
- Candidate for AC's member: Mr. Ko Tae Yeon
Everpia would like to inform you the Resumé of the 02 candidates (file download).