25 September 2024

Everpia Continues to Be Honored at the IR Awards 2024

On the morning of September 24th, the IR Awards 2024 Ceremony was held to announce the results of the IR voting and honor the top-listed companies with outstanding IR (Investor Relations) activities. These are listed companies that comply with information disclosure regulations, have strong strategic governance, and possess excellent financial communication, contributing to the increase in stock value, reflecting the true value of the company.

Having passed two previous rounds of surveys and assessments - the “Information Disclosure Survey” with 708 listed companies and the “IR Awards Nomination” round with 424 companies meeting the information disclosure standards - Everpia was honored to be ranked among the Top 3 small-cap listed companies with the best-rated IR activities as judged by 40 financial institutions. The IR Awards evaluation system for financial institutions was conducted in the form of a secret scoring process. The IR Awards evaluation criteria for financial institutions include seven pillars, such as the quality of information disclosure, IR website, financial communication, corporate governance, IR strategy, IR events, and IR activities with financial institutions and share issuances. This prestigious position is reserved for companies leading the market in effective financial communication, building a strong reputation in the capital market, and effectively managing stock market expectations as recognized by buyers and sellers in the market.

Everpia’s CEO once emphasized that an effective IR system not only helps the company clearly and transparently communicate information to existing shareholders but also builds trust and attracts new investors. Ensuring that both financial and non-financial information is disclosed timely, fully, and accurately is a key factor in maintaining investor confidence. Building long-term and stable relationships with major investors helps the company not only attract stable sources of capital but also lays the foundation for sustainable development in the future.

Over the years, Everpia has continuously improved its IR activities to enhance transparency and build strong trust with investors. By continuing to be honored at the IR Awards 2024, Everpia has reaffirmed its position in the capital market while demonstrating its ongoing commitment to improving governance quality and shareholder relations. This achievement reflects the company’s persistent efforts and effective IR strategy, promising to continue making significant contributions to Everpia’s sustainable growth in the future.