08 July 2017

Resolution of BOD meeting on bond issuance

Dear shareholders,
Everpia JSC would like to provide the Resolution of BOD regarding the issuance of non - convertible secured corporate bond through private placement.

Accordingly, total nominal value is maximum 150,000,000,000 VND (In words: one hundred and fifty billion Vietnam dong./) with the details as follow:

Bond issue purposes
The Issuer would use the proceeds from the Bond issue for the following purposes:
(i)     Expanding the business operations, details as follows:
- Payment of opening fees for new agents, showrooms;
- Pay for upgrading agent fees, current showrooms;
- Pay the cost of hiring a brand representative;
- Pay for PR, Marketing;
(ii)   Investment in machinery and equipment, fixed assets for production and business activities
Subject of issue  Joint Stock Commercial Bank For Foreign Trade of Vietnam –Hung Yen Branch
Form and nominal value Bonds are issued as book-entry securities. Bond will have a nominal value of VND 1,000,000,000 each.
Total Bond number Maximum amount is  150 (one hundred and fifty) hundred Bonds
Offer price 100% of nominal value
Tenor of the Bond 05 (five) years from the issue date
Bond interest rate First year: 7.5% /p.a.;
The following years: the maximum of 12-month VND saving deposit rate for individual announced by Vietcombank  + 1.7% /p.a.
Interest payment period Every 06 months
Time for issue In 2017

Attached file: Download

Yours sincerely,