24 November 2021
BOD's resolution on consulting shareholders' opinion by written
Dear valued Shareholders,
On Oct. 20th, 2021, Everpia JSC disclosed BOD's resolution no. 006/2021/HDQT/NQ about paying divident by using treasury share and giving share to employee by using treasury share. Everpia has sumitted document to State Securities Commission to implement this plan.
- Closing date: Dec. 13rd, 2021
- Content: giving share to current shareholders by using shares from treasury shares
Yours sincerely,
Everpia JSC
On Oct. 20th, 2021, Everpia JSC disclosed BOD's resolution no. 006/2021/HDQT/NQ about paying divident by using treasury share and giving share to employee by using treasury share. Everpia has sumitted document to State Securities Commission to implement this plan.
On Nov. 16th, 2021, the State Securities Commission responded in writing that using shares from treasury shares to pay dividends was inconsistent with current regulations. The use of shares from treasury shares to distribute to shareholders can only be done in the form of bonus shares.
Therefore, Everpia JSC would like to inform you of BOD's resolution no.008/2021/HĐQT/NQ on collecting shareholders' written opinions as follows:
- Collecting shareholders opinion: Dec. 27th, 2021- Closing date: Dec. 13rd, 2021
- Content: giving share to current shareholders by using shares from treasury shares
Yours sincerely,
Everpia JSC